Friday, August 26, 2011

10 Ways to Stay Looking Young


10 Ways to Stay Looking Young

If you're worried about the effects of aging, and you want to do everything you can to remain looking as young as possible for as long as possible, here are some great tips that will help.
1. Eat healthy foods. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, make sure you get plenty of fiber, and avoid sugary foods and simple carbohydrates.
2. Keep your body healthy. Be sure to get plenty of exercise, so that your muscles stay toned, sleak, and sexy.
3. Be sure you're getting enough of the right vitamins. All of the antioxidants are most important for keeping your skin looking much younger and healthier. So be sure to get plenty of vitamin A., vitamin C, and vitamin E. from either supplements or your food.
4. Protect your skin from direct sunlight. Strong direct sunlight can help damage your skin and cause it to wrinkle much faster than normal. This damage and wrinkly will cause you to look much older than you actually are. If you really enjoy being out in the sun, be sure to use strong sunblock lotions.
5. Avoid being out in the sun during the primary times of the day. If you're out in the sun between about 10 in the morning and three in the afternoon, your skin will receive much more damage than it does if you are out of the sun and the earlier mornings or later afternoon. Staying indoors during the sunniest parts of the day will help protect your skin for much longer.
6. Wear protective clothing when you're outside. It may seem contradictory to wear long sleeved shirts when you're out in the heat of the sun, but those long sleeves will help protect the skin on your arms which will allow it to continue looking younger for much longer.
7. Don't smoke cigarettes, or quit smoking if you currently do. Some studies suggest that cigarette smoking can damage your skin and make it age prematurely.
8. Use gentle cleansers when you're cleaning your skin. Strong and harsh so can actually dry your skin and make a crack. Also try to avoid any additives to your soaps and lotions, such as perfumes and dyes which can also be harmful to the skin.
9. Keep your skin moist by using gentle moisturizers regularly. Keeping your skin moist will help it avoid drying out and cracking, and the moisturizers also leave it very supple and sexy looking which is usually associated with younger skin.
10. Remove your unwanted hair carefully, and gently. Shaving usually does not have to be gone on a daily basis, but when you do shave frequently you run the risk of causing more damage to your skin. If you use a razor, the gentle so that you don't cut yourself. And if you use creams and lotions that remove hair, be aware of what type of chemicals are contained in those products.

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