Sunday, October 23, 2011

Natural Home Remedies For Losing Weight

Natural Home Remedies For Losing Weight
  • The first thing, which you need to do, is to calculate your BMR that is your basal metabolic rate. It will help you find out how many calories you need to intake and how much pounds you need to lose.
  • Now make a diet chart incorporating all the good foods and setting out a reasonable goal for a week. For instance, you can set a goal of losing one pound a week and for that check, how much less calories you need to intake. Also make a proper exercising plan which includes swimming, yoga, cycling, using stairs, jumping ropes etc.
  • Eat an ample amount of fruits like apples, pear, and green vegetables like celery, spinach, broccoli, religiously on a daily basis because veggies are low calorie food. In order to cut down your weight, you need to reduce your fat intake and substitute it with natural fruits and vegetables, which will boost your metabolism.
  • You also need to cut down on your salt intake as it aids in increasing the body weight. You can also incorporate sea vegetables to help you shed weight.
  • Reduce the amount of milk products like cheese, butter, etc from your diet since these are rich in fat. Choose lean meat like chicken and fishes like salmon, sardines etc, which are great source of antioxidants and help you lose weight.
  • Spices such as ginger, cinnamon, horseradish, mustard, cayenne, black pepper etc are very good in helping you lose weight. Find out ways to incorporate them in your diet.
  • Have a healthy breakfast comprising of oatmeal, high fibered cereals, fresh juices, and fresh salads.
  • Always keep counting the calories you intake. Reducing portion size would help you lose weight faster.
  • Drinking enough water will not only keep you hydrated but will also aid in losing weight. Having green tea also boosts the metabolism and helps in losing weight. Staying hydrated also protects from fatigue giving you energy to stick to your plan.
  • Stress is one of the major factors related to weight gain. When you are stressed, your adrenal glands releases adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream, which can make the body, conserve fat. Keep away from stress as much as possible. Take help of meditation, yoga, prayers etc.
  •  Intake of certain vegetables like bitter gourd and bitter variety of drumstick are helpful for loosing excess weight.
  • Having a spoonful of honey with lukewarm water is considered an apt and the easiest natural remedy to get rid of that unwanted fat. It has to be taken early in the morning and you can also choose to add a pinch of lemon juice to it.
  • Cabbage is a good natural home remedy for losing weight. This is because the vegetable slowdowns the change of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Cabbage can be eaten both raw as salad and cooked.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Health Benefits of Watermelon


One of the first things to understand about watermelon is that it contains plenty of powerful antioxidants.

Antioxidants are best understood as little warriors fighting a war. The war they fight isn't for money or land or oil, instead, it's for dominion over your body. Antioxidants pack some heavy firepower, and are very well equipped to defeat their enemies.
Luckily, antioxidants are on your side. Their enemies are things like cancers, tumors and anything which acts to have a negative effect on your body. They have been linked to preventing and even curing cancer, and are found mainly in fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.
The antioxidants in watermelon have been found to reduce the severity of asthma, and also to reduce the risk of various diseases including colon cancer, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and prostate cancer.
Talk about amazing health benefits of watermelon right!
  • Antioxidant firepower. Watermelon contains some of the most powerful antioxidants so far discovered.
  • Vitamin warehouse. Loaded with Vitamin C and packed with Vitamin A (due to its concentration of beta-carotene).
  • Stop getting the cold. Vitamin C is something most people associate to oranges. But watermelon has a lot of it, and it contributes to a strong immune system as well as slower aging.
  • Lycopene. A potent antioxidant that gives watermelon its bright red color. Up until recently, it was thought to be only in tomatoes. But recent studies have shown watermelon to have the highest lycopene content out of any fruit or vegetable.
  • Prevents prostate cancer. This is due to the antioxidants, especially lycopene.
  • Rehydration. Rich in electrolytes and 90% water so it's a healthy alternative to Gatorade, as well as tasting downright amazing.
  • Increased energy. Truckloads of Vitamin B contribute to increased energy production. Some food experts recommend watermelon for Vitamin B1, B6 and magnesium deficiencies.
  • Cope with anxiety and panic. Vitamin B6 increases the brains ability to cope with anxiety and panic.
  • Cooling effect. Scientists have found that watermelon has a special cooling effect.
  • Lose weight. Watermelon is completely, 100% fat free.
  • Cholesterol free. No need to worry if you have cholesterol problems.
  • Prevents macular degeneration. Another word for loss of vision, macular degeneration can be prevented by eating or drinking watermelon. Carrots are also in this boat.
  • Prevent heart disease. Another benefit of the antioxidants, and something you will find with most fruits and vegetables.
  • Prevent erectile dysfunction. Scientists are even saying it works similar to Viagra by relaxing the blood vessels.
A good way to look at a watermelon is just like a multivitamin, only with an amazing taste.
On a side note, green tea has been found to work synergistically with foods rich in lycopene (such as watermelon). When green tea is consumed alongside these foods, the beneficial effects are more pronounced.


  • Vitamin A - 1627 IU
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.094 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.06 mg
  • Niacin - 0.509 mg
  • Folate - 9 mcg
  • Pantothenic Acid - 0.632 mg
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.129 mg
  • Vitamin C - 23.2 mg
  • Vitamin E - 0.14 mg
  • Vitamin K - 0.3 mcg
*Contains some other vitamins in small amounts.


  • Potassium - 320 mg
  • Phosphorus - 31 mg
  • Magnesium - 29 mg
  • Calcium - 20 mg
  • Sodium - 3 mg
  • Iron - 0.69 mg
  • Selenium 1.1 mcg
  • Manganese - 0.109 mg
  • Copper - 0.12 mg
  • Zinc - 0.29 mg
*Also contains small amounts of other minerals.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ways to Save Marriage


If you are one of the married people who has problems regarding your married life, try to read and apply this simple ways, hope it can help. For those people who are in a nice relationships with their wife/husband, keep it up! and have time to improve your ways to keep your relationship stronger and you 
can add this ways below.

1. Yours, Mine & Ours -- As important as it is to build togetherness and intimacy based on mutual interests, it's just as important to have an inner and outer life of your own. Respect your differences and it will make the relationship stronger.

2. Time to Be Together -- Sure, you're working, cleaning, car pooling, making the kids do their homework, etc. But how important are all those things if your marriage falls apart? Make time to spend together. Take regular vacations together. Spend leisure time doing things you both enjoy. Commit to a weekly date night and make it as unbreakable as the staff meeting at work.

3. Take Care of Yourself -- Spend time every day on your appearance and your physical well being. Not only will your loved one like looking at you, but you'll feel better about yourself.

4. Communication Goes Both Ways -- Many relationships fail because of misunderstandings. Effective communication skills are necessary if your relationship is going to survive. Stay calm.

5. Criticize Gently -- Don't judge too harshly. If you criticize, do it as you would want others to criticize you. Be gentle.

6. The Children -- Yes, a child changes the dynamics of a relationship, but he or she doesn't need to destroy the sanctity of your marriage. Accept the fact that children will have problems and don't be reluctant to get outside help if it's needed.

7. Courting -- Gifts, compliments, and a loving embrace go a long way, especially when they're unexpected. Treat your spouse with the same courtesies you did when you were dating. Pretend you are trying to win your partner all over again.

8. Romance -- Keep your romantic images alive even when facing the harsh realities of life. Resolve to do just one romantic gesture for your mate every single day.

9. The Terms of Endearment -- Spell out the basics of your relationship in a yearly contract, or at least clarify them. Most disputes that break up marriages are over sex and money. Don't let surprises lead to trouble.

10. Renegotiating the Contract -- Marriage is like any other contract -- its terms and conditions must be reviewed and updated. Right before an anniversary is a perfect time

11. Willingness -- Admit that there is a problem and that you want to fix it. You and your partner need to be able to say, “I want to save my marriage,” and mean it. Without commitment from both sides, any expended effort will be wasted.

12. Money -- Money can be a huge stress to a relationship. Make sure to communicate and plan expenditures, savings, investments, and other financial issues. Being clear on the expectations of your financial relationship can often clear up other ‘issues’ between you that seemed to be so pressing.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

8 Pillars Of Everlasting Relationship

Putting the knowledge of 8 Pillars of everlasting relationship to work well without fail, benefit you and your partner for an everlasting enjoyable relationship.

(1). Communication
 Virtually every aspect of a relationship is touched by communication. It is of great importance to know how to communicate well and effectively. Every expression makes and impression. Positive comments help to keep relationship alive while negative comments drags relationship to the ground. 

(2). Respect

This means accepting and loving your partner for the wonderful, unique human being they are. Respect who they are and don't try to make them be like you, understand that the ways that they differ from you don't need to be fixed. Your partner isn't your private property, it isn't conducive to a happy relationship to restrict their freedoms by treating them this way. Instead it is far better to encourage your partner to grow and become the person they want to be.

(3). Honesty
In a relationship, complete honesty is always needed. The principle behind it is that no one likes being lied to, and if a relationship is to flourish, it should be built on the foundation of honesty. This includes honesty to oneself, if you aren't honest to yourself how can you possibly be honest to your partner.

(4). Trust 
Trust is creating a safe emotional space for your partner. Trust is something that can be cultivated and nurtured, one should continuously and actively work on building a safe emotional space. Your partner should be able to trust you completely with everything from the smallest detail up to and including trusting you with their life.

(5). Commitment
Commitment means being prepared to accept disappointments that can occur in a relationship, and finding an honest way to work it out. Those who become serious in a relationship without preparing for any problems, disappointments, or adjustments can experience increased insecurities or resentments that can affect the overall health of their relationship.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Tips to Stay Fit and Sexy

Many of us want to know how people stay fit and what else they do to maintain their healthful appearance. There is no secret formula or overnight fix, becoming and staying fit and healthy takes time and perseverance. After all, if it was as easy as popping a pill or buying the latest gadget guaranteed to make us all look and feel younger everyone would be fit and looking sexy. The fact that becoming fit requires a lot of hard work and healthy living is why there aren't more people doing it.
  1. One of the first things that people should remember is that exercise is a requirement to achieving the body that you want and needs to be continued once you have achieved the results you were after. It's not necessary to live in the gym, but adding a well-structured exercise regimen to your weekly workout routine will help you achieve and maintain your new body.
  2. Nutrition is also a key factor in looking fit and sexy. Proper nutrition will allow for your body to work in the way you desire and provides benefits for your skin and hair. Not only does your body need the proper nutrients in order be at its best, the same is true for your skin and hair. The healthier you are the healthier you will look.
  3. Hydration is also something that should always be included in your workout and diet regimens. By staying properly hydrated throughout the day, your skin will become healthy and less dry. Your body also requires the proper hydration during any type of physical exertion. Maintaining proper hydration will help make your workouts more productive and will reduce the amount of fatigue you feel during a workout. Hydrating properly will also reduce the occurrence of cramps during and after a workout.
  4. Staying active is also a proven way that many people can stay fit and sexy no matter what age. It is important to remember that age should never be an excuse for anyone to stop moving, exercising or working out. Simply walking around the park or playing catch can help keep your body in the shape that you desire. There are exercises for everyone and age should never be used as a reason to not be active.
  5. Another important element that many fit and sexy people have is confidence. Being confident in yourself and believing that you are the best version of you that can be achieved is one of the best ways to stay sexy. Being healthy helps, but if you have confidence in yourself, nothing is unattainable. Confidence can help you succeed in anything that you decide to do.
  6. Being happy in all aspects of your life can also lead to a healthier and sexier lifestyle. When you're happy it shows, your skin glows, your hair seems shinier and your mood is up. Being happy tends to give your overall appearance a boost and tends to make you want to be healthier and make decisions based on how well your personal life if going at the moment.
  7. Maintaining proper hormone levels through different stages of one's life can affect your health levels and happiness levels. Everyone goes through changes in their life, if your hormone levels are not where they should be, you may feel tired and depressed. It is important to have your hormone levels checked every time you see your doctor. Keeping your levels in check will help keep you feeling healthy and may increase your self-image which makes you feel sexier.